Welcome to Quick Edit Notebook

Now with drawing things

Quick Edit Notebook is a notebook app powered by HTML 5

Open a file or make a new notebook to get started


New notebook

New page

Select a display:

Read me

This is very much a beta version and errors will occur. If you find any make a report here

Known bugs

Some file thing dont work on firefox but I can fix that so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dosnt warn about closeing without saveing

How to

If this is your first time you may want to look at how to use quick edit notebook.

If your seeing this I hope you made the file and set it here

I would first go to settings and turn on autosave so you dont have to deal with rembering>

If you think you might deleat the file you shuold turn on save to local storage

On chrome you need to click the site settings in the top by the url bar and set it so that this site can save data to the device so that your setting will be saved

Page tools



Upload png
